is a tale of hard work, perseverance,
and entrepreneurship in the making.

First generation of mezcaleros and family owned mezcal brand. In the year 2000 we migrated to Silicon Valley, California with many dreams. We dreamt of making mezcal as people from our region in the mountains of Oaxaca used to, so we started growing agave from seeds. Mezcal Tosba.

Our process begins with Nursery and then the harvesting of Agaves begins. We then begin loading up the oven and cooking the agave. With cooked Agave we then begin Milling Agave and setting them to be fermented for a few days with natural yeast. Once fermentation is done, we distill twice to obtain exceptional mezcal. Our Mezcal is then bottled for you to enjoy!

Explore our bottles

Follow our Journey
Tosba Mezcal is changing the way people drink with a product that is both delicious and sustainable to the communities back home in Mexico. Follow us to see how we are changing the face of Mezcal

Please reach out for any questions, visits, points of sale. Thanks.
Domicilio Conocido, 68830 San Cristobal Lachrioag, Oax., Mexico